Tuesday, 23 September 2008

No licence for Cleveland Police OINK Alan Ellis

I think this amounts to conspiracy to defraud the music industry as
Derek Bonnard clearly conspired with others not to pay. But Cleveland
Police have always been willing to break the law when it suits them.
Opinion by Brian Howes.

A POLICE force that launched a crackdown against music piracy may itself be breaching music copyright laws, it has emerged.

But Cleveland Police chiefs today claimed they would rather spend public cash on fighting crime than paying for music rights.

Music licensing authority the Performing Rights Society (PRS) claims many forces have no licence to allow the playing of music in their stations.

A PRS licence is required by law in many cases when music is played outside a domestic home.

The licence fee - which for a whole police force could run from several hundred to thousands of pounds a year - is applicable to music played on a television, radio or CD player, music played in areas such as staff canteens or social areas, and during a presentation or social event.

Cleveland Police is among dozens of forces that have not paid up. Last year the force made headlines across the world when it swooped on a Middlesbrough house to crack a suspected international music piracy scam worth hundreds of thousands of pounds.

It is alleged the website, called Oink, involved a private file sharing site with a worldwide membership of 180,000 people. It is said to have allowed the uploading and downloading of pre-release music. The high-profile raid sent shock waves around the internet world.

Now Cleveland Police may itself have fallen foul of music copyright laws.

Other businesses that require a licence if music is played include hairdressers or shops.

The PRS has taken Lancashire Police to the High Court asking for an injunction over the issue. The legal action is on hold while negotiations take place in a bid to reach a settlement.

A PRS spokeswoman said only around 11 police forces in the UK currently hold a licence.

Cleveland Police Deputy Chief Constable Derek Bonnard said: “We continue to assess the position and are seeking advice to determine if we are required by law to spend a significant amount of public money, which we consider is better committed to crime fighting, in this way.”

Six people have been charged in connection with the Oink arrests in October of last year and are due before Teesside Magistrates’ Court.

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